суббота, 22 февраля 2014 г.

"Theatre" by W. S. Maugham (Chapters 1-2)

 I. Explain in English or give definitions of and find contextual synonyms for the following words and phrases:
 Complacency -a felling of satisfaction and superiority;self-satisfied,contentment.
 Three times running-taking part three times
  Filthy-very dirty,muddy
 Supercilious-a person behaves in such manner as if they think they are better or more important than everyone else; contemptuous
  Military bearing-  the particular way in which someone stands, moves, or behaves
  Natural flamboyance-behaving  in a way that deliberately attracts attention
  Stupendous-very impressive,tremendous
  Staggered-very surprised and shocked, to bewilder
  Natural homage – special respect; esteem
  Entanglement -a complicated situation,confusion
  Concubinage-cohabitation of a man and a woman without the full sanctions of legal marriage
  Languorous-lack of physical or mental energy; listlessness
  Flippant rejoinde- disrespectful,frivolous answer
  To risk smth-the possibility that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen,venture
  A quick study- to learn by heart without difficulties

II. Search for the allusions in the text. Define their type (literary, artistic, historical and others) and functions; explain their meaning. 
Literary allusions:

William Shakespeare -is considered by many to be the greatest playwright of all time, although many facts about his life remain shrouded in mystery.It used to create the atmosphere of theater.

Mercutio is a fictional character in William Shakespeare's tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. It is used to show that Michael Gosselyn was a bad actor.
 Artistic allusions:
Sir Peter Paul Rubens was a Flemish Baroque painter, and a proponent of an extravagant Baroque style that emphasised movement, colour, and sensuality. It is used to underline  Michael Gosselyn's self-satisfaction.
Sarah Siddons-Sarah Siddons was a well-known actress of the 18th century who became famous for her role as Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth. It is used to show the world of theater.
Pierre Corneille was a French tragedian who was one of the three great seventeenth-century French dramatists, along with Molière and Racine. The author involves the reader in the world of acting.
John Philip Kemble was an English actor.  He played a huge number of parts, including a large number of Shakespearean characters.
Sarah Bernhardt was the great French actress,referred to as "the most famous actress the world has ever known.She developed a reputation as a serious dramatic actress, earning the nickname "The Divine Sarah."
Jean Racine-was a French dramatist, one of the three great playwrights of 17th-century France (along with Molière and Corneille), and an important literary figure in the Western tradition.Racine was primarily a tragedian, producing such "examples of neoclassical perfection"
Historical allusions:
Sir Francis Robert Benson – was a British actor-manager. He founded his own company in 1883 and produced all but two of Shakespeare's plays. From the first he devoted himself largely to the production of Shakespeare's plays.

All the allusions were used to involve the reader in the word of theater,its beauty and unusual atmosphere.

III. Using direct and indirect evidence from the text give character sketches of Julia Lambert and Michael Gosselyn.
 Julia Lambert was a beautiful actress of 46,she had large dark brown eyes,a lovely figure and an indiarubber face. She was very confident in herself and independent. She dressed tastefully,her clothes, made only in Paris, were very luxury.The reader can see that she didn't play only on the stage,but in her family:with her husband.  Julia noticed that she "talked very differently to herself and to other people". It means that nobody knows her real emotions and feelings.She was really a born actress and the fate gave her a great opportunity to develop her talent.  Julia had been sent to live with her mother’s sister who was married to a Frenchman, a coal merchant. She learnt to speak French like a Frenchwoman. Jane Taitbout  gave Julia her first lessons in acting. At the age of 16,Julia went to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. She worked hard and it characterized her as a stubborn person. It seems that she is very happy with  her husband.
 Michael Gosselyn is one of the main characters of Maugham’s novel “Theatre”.He was very handsome with blue eyes,had a very good figure,a straight nose and small ears.The only thing that slightly spoiled him was the thinness of his mouth. He was a bad actor,but due to his handsome he played lovers on the stage.To my mind, Michael was  supercilious. His father was a military man, but  Michael decided to go on the stage because of his appearance. He loved his wife and was a devoted to her. At his 52, he tried to keep fit and his figure was perfect.
IV. Summary
Julia Lambert, a woman of breathtaking talent,beautiful, rich and famous came to her husband and met there a strange man. He was a new account at their theater.Michael  decided to invite him for lunch. As it turned out, the account was a shy man, who adored Julia and her talent and this invitation was an outstanding event in his life. Moreover Julia took her photo to the young man. Looking at her old photos She began to remember her past,her childhood, her acquaintance with  Michael.