воскресенье, 23 марта 2014 г.

W.S. Maugham "Theater".Chapters 7-10

  I. Find the following words and phrases in the text and translate them into Russian:
to make frantic scenes-закатывать безумные сцены
to give sb. a look of scorn- посмотреть на кого-либо с презрением
to know how to pull strings adroitly-знать, как пустить в ход связи
to fall out of love - разлюбить
close-cropped hair - коротко стриженые волосы
 to resist an inclination-сдержать порыв
weather-beaten skin – обветренная кожа
coltish grace-щенячья грация
to be on active service – находиться в действующей армии
confinement -роды
to run a theatre – открыть театр
effusive -несдержанный
to set one's mind to smth-стремиться к чему-либо,сосредоточиться на чем-либо
disconcerting -приводить в замешательство, сбивать с толку
it's a knockout -это бесподобно
amiability- дружелюбие
affable manner-  дружелюбные манеры
to exercise great ingenuity in (doing) smth. – проявить необыкновенную изобретательность в чем-то;
to be unperturbed – быть невозмутимым
shrewdness - проницательность
to grizzle – возмущаться,ворчать
it's a mere commonplace-это настольео банально
exorbitant - безмерный
to be conciliatory – быть примирителем
to foster one's career – способствовать продвижению чьей-либо карьеры
acumen - сообразительность
to have one's face lifted – подтянуть кожу лица
it's no good crying over spilt milk – после драки кулаками не машут
to have little flirtations –  флиртовать,заводить небольшие интриги
masseuse - массажистка
gossip column – колонка светской хроники
the world of make-believe – мир фантазий
II. Answer the following questions:
1. What did Michael and Julia do when the war broke out?

When the war broke out Julia and Michael were acting. Also they thought how to open their own theater. 
2. Why do you think Michael enjoyed the war?
Michael enjoyed the war because everyone likes him despite the was an actor and he was popular among soldiers.

3. Do you think love is important for a successful family life?

Love is very important  for a successful family life. It is very difficult to overcome obstacles with a person you don't love and respect. Family life will not be happy without love.

4. How did it happen that Julia fell out of love with Michael?
She realized that he no longer smelt like a youth, he smelt like a man.He wasn't so passionate as she expected and some time later she found many defect in him.
5. How did Michael manage to find the money to rent a theatre? What was the theatre called? Who was in the partnership with him?
After the death of Michael's parents he inherited nearly four thousand pounds, and this with his own savings and Julia's brought up their joint capital to seven thousand.But the rent of theatres had gone up enormous.Finally the money was found by a rich woman who was interested in Julia. It was called the Siddons Theatre. His partner was Dolly.
6. Why was Julia against Michael's taking up directing?
Michael had no fantasy and his ideas were commonplace. She was not sure that he would have authority over the cast.
7. What kind of director was Michael?
He was very hard-working.He paid Julia more than any other director had done, because he knew what she was capable of, and was familiar with her every inflection, every glance of her eyes, every graceful movement. He was too gentle to be director.
8. What irritated Julia in Michael more and more? How did he change in Julia's eyes?
 His straight thin-lipped mouth irritated her.Moreover, he no longer smelt like a youth, he smelt like a man. Michael’s thrift, which in the early days had seemed an amusing, rather touching trait, now revolted her.
9. Why was Julia sad when she thought of her married life?
Because her dreams and desires didn't coincide with reality. Her love had died she felt that life had cheated her.
10. Why was Michael happier than he had been before?
Julia never made scenes any more. Michael was happier when he founded his own theatre.
11.Julia's dresser and maid was a Cockney, wasn't she? Please prove it using the examples from the text.
“It'd only fidget me to 'ave a lot of elephant's tusks in me mouth."
“I'm young enough to dress 'er. And maid 'er”.
 12. Who was the unknown man who sent flowers to Julia? Why did she write him a thank you note?
 It was Mr. Thomas Fennell. She wrote a note,because she was very polite and it was her principle to keep in touch with the public.

III. Make up a list of words and phrases describing Michael's appearance and character. Say what you think of him.
-he was very handsome with large blue eyes,had a very good figure,had a straight nose and small ears;

-he had thin mouth

-he had an easy manner,he was a real gentleman;
-his voice was a trifle thin;
-he devoted anxious care to his figure;
-he was kind,good-humoured and friendly,
-he had no fantasy and his ideas were commonplace;
-he didn't like spending money;
-he was prudent and all he wanted was admiration;
-ha was a faithful husband;
-he had a gallant bearing.
To my mind  Michael was a good husband, he took care of his family and he loved only his wife. He didn't notice other women. He was efficient man, didn't spent money for trifles. I think   Michael was a purposeful  person, he achieved success and run his theatre.

IV. Comment on the phrase from chapter 9: "Roger had been entered for Eton within a week of
his birth." Comment on it. Give a short presentation on public schools in Britain.

  Julia and Michael were successful and rich enough to give his son the best education.
  The public schools form the backbone of the independent sector. Such schools depend almost on the fees paid by their pupil’s parents. They are mostly boarding schools, where the pupils live as well as study.  Ten public schools have produced one in eight of the professional elite who effectively run the country. The most famous public schools have a long history and tradition. It is often necessary to put a child's name on a waiting list at birth to be sure he or she gets a place. Children of wealthy or aristocratic families often go to the same public school as their parents and their grandparents.
  Eton is the best known of these schools.Eton College, often informally referred to as Eton, is a British independent boarding school located in Eton, near Windsor in England. It educates over 1,300 pupils, aged between 13 and 18 years and was founded in 1440 by King Henry VI. Eton is one of nine English independent schools, commonly referred to as "public schools", included in the original Public Schools Act 1868.

VI. Give a summary of chapters 7-10.
Julia and Michael  acting when the war broke out. Michael volunteered; his wife Julia, wanted to be with her husband even at war, but she had to stay on the stage. She was the best actress in her generation and soon she became very rich. When Michael returned from the war Julia realized that she fell out of love with her husband because he changed so much. Michael decided to open his own theatre with a support of very rich old woman Mrs. de Vries. Being a director he was happier than had been earlier, while his wife was sad  her love to her husband died. Later at the end of the play Julia received flowers from unknown Tomas Fennel.

суббота, 8 марта 2014 г.

'Theatre' by W.S. Maugham. Chapters 3-6

I. Explain in English or give definitions of and find contextual synonyms for the following words and phrases:
 Asset- a major benefit,a useful quality;
 A sumptuous supper- impressive, expensive,elegant;
Extravagance-the practice of spending a lot of money, especially more than you should,wastefulness;
Thrift- the practice of spending money carefully so that you do not waste any,economical management;
To remonstrate- criticize someone about something;
Equanimity- a calm mental state when you deal with a difficult situation;
At a loose end - in an uncertain or unsettled situation or positionon;
To jeopardize- to risk damaging or destroying something important;
Alacrity-cheerful readiness;
Susceptible to -someone whose emotions are easy to influence;
Obsequious -too keen to please someone, in a way that does not seem sincere;
A retainer -a servant, especially one who has worked for someone from a high social class for a long time.

II. Find quotations in the text. State their meaning and their function.
"Neither a borrower nor a lender be,". This quotation characterizes Michael as a very economical and thrifty man. He didn't spend his money for  luxurious  things and try to save them for future life. It was  Michael's principal.
 "I could not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not honour more,"  This quotation shows Michael’s attitude to love, wedding and Julia.

III. Explain the metaphor "she is a millstone round his neck." Who does it refer to?
The metaphor refers to actors,who is going to marry an actress in a young age. According to Michael's opinion, this marriage may ruin the career, because it is impossible to be famous and married.

IV. Comment on the context of the following phrases:
"He was too modest to resent an unfavourable criticism."
Michael understood that he wasn't a good actor, he was in troupe because of his appearance.
"... after all he was born a gentleman."
Michael parents didn't consider the career of an actor is a noble one,they wanted Michael to become a military man.
"He is going to be a flop."
Michael was going to America in order to earn money,but Jimmie was sure that he would get a failure.
"'I suppose it's beastly of me,' she thought, 'but thank God, thank God.'"
This phrase belongs to Julia,she was very glad when he returned back from America,because she was afraid to loose him and his love.
VI. What techniques are employed by the author to make the reader see the events through Julia's eyes?
The author uses a lot of allusions to show that for Julia her stage was her home and life. The author describes Julia's emotions and feelings very vividly,using such words (  filthy pig, beast, devil, brute, rotten ).
The author uses such technique called "The stream of consciousness",we can read Julia's thoughts (Why doesn't he kiss me, kiss me, kiss me?"He doesn't love me. He doesn't care a damn about me.) We know why Julia is nervous and what is worried her.

VII. Answer the questions:
1. Who was Jimmie Langton and what role did he play in Julia's and Michael's lives?Jimmie Langton was the head of the troupe in the theatre at Middlepool. He helped Julia to develop her talent and to become a good actress. Also  Michael and Julia met each other in his theatre.
 2. When did Julia and Michael join the Middlepool Theatre Company? 3. How did Julia and Michael get to know each other?Michael played the boy and Julia played Regina. They heard one another their parts and after rehearsals lunched together to talk of them. Soon they were inseparable.
4. What did Julia like about Michael?
Michael was very handsome and had a good sense of humour. She liked him because he behaved like a gentleman.
5.What did Michael think of good looks and decent families?
The family status played greater importance for him than a man’s appearance.
6.How did Julia feel about her family?
She liked her family,she was proud of her father's profession.
7.What were Michael's views on marriage?
“I think an actor's a perfect fool to marry young. There are so many cases in which it absolutely ruins a chap's career. Especially if he marries an actress. He becomes a star and then she's a millstone round his neck”.
8.What did Michael read newspaper reviews for? Did Julia share his views?
He read all the articles in order to find out the information about him. He didn't pay attention to Julia's reviews.
9.Who invited Julia to Michael's house for the Holy Week? – It was Michael’s mother, Mrs. Gosselyn.
10.Did Michael's father meet Julia's expectations?
Julia  found the Colonel not so alarming person than she had expected: he was civil, but reserved, generous. He was neither irritable nor oppressive. He read The Times, went to church on Sunday and accompanied his wife to tea-parties.According to Michael’s words his father was rather old-fashioned, and there were some things he couldn’t understand.
11.What impression did Julia produce on Michael's parents?
They liked Julia."You've made a tremendous success with my people. They've taken an enormous fancy to you. Father told me you were very ladylike, and not a bit like an actress, and mother says you're so sensible."
12.Was the proposal expected by Michael's parents?
Yes, it was.
13.What steps did Julia take upon finding Michael was leaving for America?
She asked Jimmie not to let Michael go.
14.What professional offer did Michael receive and who facilitated this?
Michael was offered a lucrative contract in America, and Jimmie, the head of the troupe, facilitated it.
15.Was Michael a success in America?
He didn't find success there.
16.Did Julia keep in touch with him while he was away?
Yes,she wrote constantly  a lot of passionate letters to him,while he answered once a week, four pages exactly in a neat, precise hand.
17. Was Julia eager to meet Michael straight at the station?
 She decided to meet him and booked two rooms in a hotel.
18.What were Michael's impressions after staying and working in America?
Michael was deeply mortified and depressed. He wasn't satisfied by his work in America.
19.What was Michael going to do in England and what were his prospects?
He saved money in America and he dreamed to open the theater, where Julia would play.

VIII. Summarize the events of chapters 3-6.
Julia remembered her life when she played in  Jimmie’s troupe where she met Michael and fell in love with him and fell in love with him. They spent a lot of time together, but he was cold. One day, Julia received a letter from   Michael's mother, where she invited her to visit them. During this visit Michael  made her a proposal. All the troupe got to know about it. Some time later  Michael went to America, but didn't find the success there and returned home.Julia was very happy,met him and booked two rooms in a hotel.