понедельник, 2 декабря 2013 г.

Laboratory Work. Higher education

 Signs of problem
Your Solution to the Problem



We need  need to assess the ability to learn: this type of exam or learning license (that tests this ability) would be more useful for students, employers and society in general. It shows which candidates are good at,  engineering, but it also shows actually which can think as an engineer.

 I think the combination of written and oral exams is good.But it is necessary to develop the process of examination. 
 preparation for the exam
tired face, sleepless nights etc. She is studying for 3 levels preparing for medical school. She works nights and weekends to prepare for her exams.
 To my mind,health is very important in our life.So the girl should sleep and be calm, because she works hard. 
 entrance to university
  He lost his weight, he has big black rings under his eyes. He sleeps for 3 or 4 hours a day. He didn’t sleep at all during the last 3 or 4 days.
  Entrance exams are the most troublesome time in the life of every student. But every person should try to cope with it. The person should sleep more and spend more time outdoors. 
  the highest grade 
  He never thought of himself like a highflyer, he never excepted such high results.
 Many students are not confident in themselves  not sure of their future results.The best way to overcome panic and to stay cool, get hold of yourself and be ready for any kinds of results. 
 automatic checking of tests results
  reduce the time of checking papers
 I think, it is better when the exams are checked by people. Also people should develop automatic system in order to avoid many mistakes. 

 2) As for my problems,first of all it is the lack of time. Every day I must learn something and reduce some thing that are more pleasant. Before exams I felt depressed and nervous. The best way to cope with it is to visit fitness club and do sport.

3)There are a lot of problems that students face during the process of their studying. First of all, these are problems with different subjects,lack of time to prepare for exam. Besides students can be misunderstood and lonely,they can't find friends and feel homesickness,because their parents are far from them. Moreover,when students work hard a lot of time,they feel depressed and don't have free time to do things that they like. So, it is very important to know how to cope with it and to be more confident. I agree with the statement “the travel of hardships” because you can't achieve anything until you work hard. However, students need some rest:go to party or do shopping,it is necessary.

1. What is the standard grading system in the USA?
Standard letter-grading system of A, B, C, and F
2.What are the ‘special grades’ that the speaker mentions in the recording? They are satisfactory (S) and unsatisfactory (U) grades. It is not taken for all the courses at the university.
3. Comment on the standard grading system in your country?
There are 5 (excellent), 4 (good), 3 (satisfactory), 2 (bad)
4.Do schools and colleges practice non-standard grading systems? What are they?
For example in Iraq.In schools, grades are based on 20. Depending on the school and the grade of study, a good mark varies, but in most occasions 16 or higher is considered to be a good one.
   This system of grading based on 20 is also common in universities, but sometimes percent scoring is also used in higher educational systems.
 Grade       Scale 1      Scale 2      Description
18-20          A                5               Excellent
16-17.99     A                 4                Very Good
14-15.99      B                 3                    Good
12-13.99      C                 2                 Satisfactory
10-11.99       D                1                 Acceptable (10 = Pass)
0-9.99         E/F                0                 Fail

In the Ukraine, they’ve gone in the opposite direction. Whereas they used to use a simple Russian 5-step grading system, in 2000, they introduced the 12-step grading system which goes like this:
12 - given only for significant achievements or exceptionally creative work
11 - the equivalent of an ‘A’ in the U.S.
1 – complete fail

       1)What are the rules for dropping a course in the talk provided?
You can drop the course within the first three week of the semester. First, you need to get the signature of the professor whose course you want to drop on the official drop card.Then you need to go to a student advisor on campus to get the signature of your adviser
2           2) What warnings does the student advisor give?
        You can officially drop a course after the first three weeks of the semester. If you are having problems in a course and you decide later on that you want to drop the course it’s impossible to do so.
           3)How can you avoid getting a failing grade, according to the recording? 
It is important to understand these procedures and follow them. If you do so, you will not have any problems.
    4)What are the official drop procedures for the elective courses in your country?
           There are no official drop procedures for the elective courses in Russia.

              MP3 AUDIO 5.4
           1)What are the places of a college campus that the speaker mentions in the recording?
Administration complex, library, students’ centre (a post office, a bank, a theatre, a coffee shop, a travel agency).
             2)Can you find the similar campus places in your college/university? What are other places that are worth mentioning? Characterize them briefly.
Reading room. The Library is full of study convenient study space as well as computers equipped with access to the Internet, a photocopier, colour printing and much more.  
Cafeteria. There are some food-service areas: a major cafeteria and a smaller deli. There is also a little shop where students can buy some snack.
The college copy center.
 Sometimes students may be required to provide multiple copies of an assignment for a class or other documents. 

 If traveling by car, please be aware that the University does not offer any public parking, and street parking is limited by meters. 

3)In our Institute,we have a large library,which is well equipped with computers.There are two halls of residence on the territory of campus for those students who live far away from the institute.There is the big concert hall for important events and activities and the ballroom where students have discos and little performances.There exist a canteen with tasty food. 


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