суббота, 23 ноября 2013 г.

Film Rewiev "Dangerous Minds"

    I would like to tell you about the film "Dangerous Minds",directed by directed by John N. Smithsand and  produced by Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer. The movie stars Michelle Pfeiffer as Louanne Johnson, Courtney B. Vance as George Grandey and others.It is based on the autobiography "My Posse Don't Do Homework" by former U.S. Marine Louanne Johnson, who took up a teaching position at Carlmont High School in Belmont, California, in 1989, where most of her students were African-American.
    Let's pass on to the plot of the film. Louanne Johnson was  an ex-marine, who came to a Palo Alto high school in order to find a job. She was divorced with her husband and her friend advised her to be a teacher at this school. Her first day was terrible,because a classroom was full of tough and sullen teenagers, but her persistence made her to continue.The next day she wore a leather jacket and taught  them karate.The students showed some interest in such activities,but later began to behave in the same way they used to. She tries to lead them in the world of English Poetry.Louanne used the lyrics of Bob Dylan to teach symbolism and metaphor; once this is achieved, she progressed  to Dylan Thomas. Louanne rewards the students in different ways,using candy bars,a trip to a theme park or restaurant. During the work,she faced a lot of problems and difficulties with students and their parent and at the end of the school year she decided to go away. But students didn't want it. She stayed, because the students named her "bright".
    Speaking about the actors, I should say that cast of the film is perfect. To my mind,Michele Pfeiffer is excellent in her role. She was absorbed by her work. She gave her heart and her soul to these students. Day by day she became closer and closer to them. She was so resourceful and  found different ways in order to attract students. And later she succeeded.
   The film touches upon the problems of the lower classes of society. Such students didn't want to learn because nobody believed in them. They have the same rights as the others.The only thing they should do-to chose what they wanted: to live in poverty and drink every day as their parents or to be successful and well-educated. Their teacher helped them and tried to struggle with stupid parents and cruelty of the streets.
   Moreover, we can notice that their teacher believed in them and tried to encourage. She saw that everyone of her students was talented. That's why she was able to imbue their lives with bright coloures, with poetry,with human values,with the sense of life.
  In conclusion I'd like to say that the film impressed me greatly.It teachers us that every child is unique and is worth of respect. Also it shows that a bright person can change life of many people for better. So, it is necessary not give up. 

суббота, 16 ноября 2013 г.

Film Review "The Ron Clark Story"

     I would like to tell you about the movie “The Ron Clark Story”,  directed by Randa Haines. The film stars Matthew Perry as Ron Clark, Brandon Mychal Smith as Tayshawn, Hannah Hodson as Shameika, and others. As for genre of the film, it is drama and action takes place in New York, the USA.
    This film is based on the true-life story of Ron Clark,let's pass on to the plot.The school teacher, Ron Clark left his home and moved to New York in order to find a job. It was very difficult and firstly he worked as a waiter at a local restaurant. Later, he succeeded and got the job as a teacher in Inner Harlem Elementary School,where he began to teach aggressive,rude and violent children.  Ron Clark was glad to work in the most disadvantaged class at school. He tried to do best for his pupils, visited parents, helped with their homework after classes. It was really a battle between Clark and his pupils, but he didn't give up and believe in children and their success. That's why,several months later the man  became not only a friend for the children but also extend their  knowledge and change their lives to better. At the end of the school  year Clark gave the children tickets to the musicale Phantom of the Opera. All of children were very excited  the boy,Brandon  Smith, who was fond of  drawing graffiti, even drew a shape of a Ghost on the wall of his room, for which was beaten by his step-father. The teacher had found the way from this problem. As it turned out, the pupils got the highest score in the school and were very thankful to Ron Clark.
   Speaking about the actors, I should say that cast of the film is perfect. And of course, Matthew Perry is excellent in his role as Clark. He was nominated for different awards, including  "Outstanding Made for Television Movie","Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or a Movie","Best Performance by an Actor in a Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television" and others. He was funny, open and kind-hearted. He was perfect in his comedy scene as well as in dramatic ones. He was full of determination to help these unhappy children. His yes shown with joy when  Shameika asked not to leave their school.  Matthew Perry is very talented writer,he was very convincing, I believed that he loved his job.
     Besides, I should say, that director of the film made a good job.I can't but mention the realistic atmosphere of school,it's system and it's rules. Also, the including of romantic line made the film be more exciting. Moreover, children played perfectly! I believed them and experienced all their feelings and emotions.
  In conclusion, I' d like to say,that this movie is worth watching! I admire  Ron Clark, because he gas achieved his goal in spite of difficulties. He is creative and enthusiastic, tries to find new methods in order to awake pupil's interest. He is not afraid to be laughable.He really love children and his job and it is worth of respect.

воскресенье, 10 ноября 2013 г.

Discussion Questions

School Education in Britain and the USA.
1)They have state schools, public schools, mixed schools and single -sex (boys or girls) schools.
2) Children start school at 6 and leave at 16.
3) Primary school (from 5 to 11) includes infant school (from 5 to 7) and junior school (from 8 to 11)
    Secondary schools (from 11 to 16)
4) Pupils have to take SATs, GCSE, A-level exams.
5) School leavers have to take A-level,as the main standard for entrance to University.
6) Yes,there is. National Curriculum was introduced in 1988. It consists of 10 subjects which all the children must study at school.
7)It takes 11 years to complete full-time compulsory education.
8)Primary school concentrates on the three R's: reading, writing and 'rithmetic and also developing pupils' creative abilities.Secondary school concentrates on subjects, which include in  National Curriculum in order to prepare children for sitting for GCSE.
9) Entrance exams can be abandoned if a person doesn't want to get higher education and begins to work. 
10)Admission requirements to primary and secondary school are the age of children.
11)The purpose of elite school education provide firm knowledge and give pupils the better education.Pupils of such schools show greater improvement in the examination results than those at state -maintained schools. In later life, those educated in such schools dominate the sources of state power in government, law and finance,armed forces.
12) English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Physical Education should be an integral part of school curriculum. Religious Education, Technology and Design are optional subjects.
13) As for our country, private schools are available for rich people. They have a good infrastructure, but it doesn't mean that education is such schools is better than in state ones.
14) A problem pupil is a pupil,who plays truants and has some problems at school. He gets bad marks and misbehaves.
15) A good teacher is a person who loves children and his job. Such person knows his subject perfectly and is ready to improve his abilities. 
16) memorable - when we went to the Pushkin state theater. I don't remember the name of performance, but the main hero was Sergei Lasarev and all girls of our class (including me) were  delighted with it. We all took binoculars in order to see him! 
exciting - There were different tests
painful- when I fought with my classmate. He was a boy, who constantly importuned me.But nowadays, we are friends and forget about our sorrows.
17) I am usually very nervous!!! I can't sleep at hight before the exam! However I really learned the material and know all questions, but it is all the same I am in panic. 
18) I think that it is easier to pass oral exam, because the teacher can help you.
19) No, I don't prefer to be the first to answer.
20)Yes.I check my work and find mistakes, that's why I need rough-work sheets.
21)Yes, I feel uncomfortable.
22)To my mind, cribs can be only in a written form, as while preparing them a student learn some information automatically. But unfortunately, I can't crib(
23)When I get the ticket, I become calm, because I understood that I know something about it.
24)No, it is better to do tasks yourself, it is more difficult, but it is more useful.
25) For me, to be confident.
26)Boarding schools teach children to be independent, but at the same time children miss their parents. Advantages of private schools: profound knowledge, better instructors, students of such school have more opportunities in the future.
27) I think, it is good idea. Children can improve their knowledge.
28) To my mind, it is 7. It is an age when the child is ready morally for school. However it depends on the child.
29)If they want to enter the University.
30)Yes. Children behave like adults and they feel more confident.
31) Yes, they are necessary in order to stimulate further development. Test are necessary for improving knowledge and skills.
32)No!computers can't test people.It is awful.    

воскресенье, 3 ноября 2013 г.

Laboratory Work 4

  1)  A man and a woman are talking about advantages and disadvantages of public and state schooling.State schools are free, but public schools are expensive. Mix of students study attend state schools and it is more interesting to communicate with them than only with rich children in public schools. It is no secret that public schools have better instructors and facilities. Education in public schools gives students a better chance of getting a really good job, because the best employers look for people first in public schools.So, I conceder that public schooling is better, because it gives the opportunity to a child to be successful and well-being in the future.

2) I'd like to compare the educational system of our country with the educational system of the USA. In Russia and in the USA children usually attend free public schools. Although, nowadays there exist private schools in the USA like in our country,where a fee is charged. Russia has a nine years compulsory education,but the USA requires twelve years of compulsory education. The nine year Russian education is called Basic Education.But in the USA it is not the same, Basic Education consists of Elementary School,a Junior High and the lower level of High School that are combined into one school.
  As for the grades,our country uses a five-point academic grading system from 1 to 5,where 5 is excellent and 1 or 2 is poor.Academic grading in the United States most commonly takes on the form of five letter grades. Traditionally, the grades are A, B, C, D, and F—A being the highest and F, denoting failure, the lowest.
  After nine years of education in Russia,students can continue their education (2 years in school) or go to Professional schools. These schools are very similar to High School in the United States.
 Higher education is very important in both countries and nowadays the system of Higher education in our country is similar to the USA.

Laboratory Work 3

1)First of all , a child plays truant because of peer's influence. He mets his friends and they go to the cinema or to other place, where they can have a good time in stead of boring lessons at school. Besides, problems at school make a child to stay away from school. They don't want go to school when they don't learn the lesson or because of bad relationship with teachers.



3) To my mind, more responsible parenting and more interesting lessons would be most effective in combating truancy. Family plays an important role in the life of any child, that's why parents should be interested in the life of their child.They should control their children's behaviour, visit parent meetings and call teachers to learn about their children's behaviour   and academic success. Of course, more interesting lessons will raise more motivation to go to school and the educational interest to the subject.