воскресенье, 3 ноября 2013 г.

Laboratory Work 3

1)First of all , a child plays truant because of peer's influence. He mets his friends and they go to the cinema or to other place, where they can have a good time in stead of boring lessons at school. Besides, problems at school make a child to stay away from school. They don't want go to school when they don't learn the lesson or because of bad relationship with teachers.



3) To my mind, more responsible parenting and more interesting lessons would be most effective in combating truancy. Family plays an important role in the life of any child, that's why parents should be interested in the life of their child.They should control their children's behaviour, visit parent meetings and call teachers to learn about their children's behaviour   and academic success. Of course, more interesting lessons will raise more motivation to go to school and the educational interest to the subject.

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